Literacy is ... the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential.
― Kofi Annan
Your tax-deductible donation supports essential library programs and services, designed to help any Valley resident realize his or her full potential. For example:
$10 - $20 provides batteries, connectors and small motors for tween and teen aged library patrons in after school STEM programs at their libraries.
$20 - $30 provides a “Big Book” for Storytime where the littlest library-goers begin to discover words & rhymes with their favorite adults.
$50- $75 outfits a First Five Years Center with interactive learning materials such as Mega Magnets, Activity Balls, and Super Building Blocks.
$100 - $250 brings a 3rd party program partner, such as National Geographic, Arizona Science Center, or Phoenix Zoo, to library-going youth - for free!
$500 - $1000 equips a Job Help Hub to provide workforce literacy instruction and one-on-one assistance for job-seekers.