Holiday Shopping

Fry's Community Rewards

Frys_Community_Rewards.jpgHoliday cooking for the entire family can leave the wallet feeling a little thin; but when you sign up for Fry's Community Rewards, Fry's will donate to the Friends for you every time you shop and swipe your VIP card! Here's how:

  1. Get a Fry's VIP card from your local store, then click here to participate in Fry's Community Rewards.
  2. Simply click "Enroll" (or "Create Account" if you don't already have one) and enter our organization number 82900 in the "Community Rewards" field.
  3. Don't forget to swipe your card every time you shop!


amazon_smile_logo.jpgFinding great gifts on Click here and Amazon donates 0.5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Friends! (It adds up!)

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